So You Want to Remodel

Three Options For The Ends Of Your New Kitchen Island

The addition of an island to your kitchen provides all sorts of extra space, including countertop space, storage space, and even seating space. If you're hiring a remodeling contractor to build you a custom island as part of a kitchen renovation, it's important to put lots of thought into the island's design to ensure that it suits your family's needs. One thing about a kitchen island that some people neglect to consider is how the ends will look. Read More 

Signs You Need To Renovate Your Landscape

Are you thinking about renovating your landscape, but not sure if it's the right decision? Here are two signs that may indicate that you need to give your yard a makeover. Your Lawn Is Patchy and Full of Weeds If your lawn is looking more like a patchwork quilt than a luscious green carpet, it may be time for a landscape renovation. Patches on your lawn may develop due to a few reasons, such as poor drainage, compacted soil, or a lack of nutrients. Read More 

Want Better Kitchen Lighting? Hire Remodelers to Make a Few Improvements

While cooking, organizing, preparing, and socializing in the kitchen, you may notice that the lighting is lackluster at times. Not getting the right amount of light can make it more difficult or less enjoyable to cook, prepare meals, and spend time in the kitchen. Luckily, you can get a reliable solution by hiring a kitchen remodeling service to make several lighting improvements. Undercabinet Lights A smart move is to add lights underneath all the cabinets. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Custom Wood Flooring

Wood flooring is a popular choice for homes because it offers a natural look and feel. There are many types of wood flooring to choose from, but custom wood flooring is a unique option that allows you to select the specific type of wood, color, and design. Here's what you need to know. What do you need to know about custom wood flooring? If you are considering custom wood flooring for your home, there are a few things to keep in mind: Read More 

Roofing Terminology Everyone Should Know When Getting a New Roof

Does it sound like your roofing contractor is speaking a second language? It can help to know some of the terms that they are using when speaking to you about a new roof. Square When it comes to measuring how much roofing material will be used on a roof, a common term used is a square. It is used to describe how much roofing material is needed to cover 100 square feet of a roof. Read More